
The skillery program prepares your child with survival skills keeping in mind the cultural roots.

Skillery Program

At Bridgetown, our program of Skillery fosters self-worth, self-care, personal and interpersonal skills and respect of cultural diversity. Why stay within the school 'social bubble'. Socialization beyond the school and home environment allows children to share new interests, make new friendships, get exposed to performing on stage and reduce the time spent watching tv and playing with gadgets.

Why wait for the summer break as our Skillery program will keep your child happily engaged with life’s lessons. Our Skillery program will fill the void during the school year.


  • Prepare children with survival skills.
  • Develop personal and interpersonal skills
  • Connect to roots and exposure to cultural diversity.
  • Socialize beyond the school and home environment.
  • Grow in self-confidence and independence.


The Bridgetownians

where playtime meets

Campus Location
  • Plot no 169, Road no 13A, Jubliee Hills, Hyd - 500033

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